Maritime Power in the Indo-Pacific
Maritime power focuses on the ability of states to use the sea through diplomatic, information, military or economic means. By looking at the national engagement with the seas this project maps the economic maritime power of China and the military maritime power of the US. This research is conducted at and sponsored by the Free University of Brussels (VUB).
Research output
January 2024
Anne-Marie Dedene
European Guanxi
Journal of Contemporary China
Anne-Marie Dedene
4 January 2024
October 2024
Anne-Marie Dedene
The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Holslag
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Holslag is Professor of International Politics at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He was special advisor to the First Vice-President of the European Commission, Benelux director of the Trilateral Commission. Dr. Holslag serves as a reserve officer in the Belgian military. He has published widely on security, Asia and international affairs. He is or was part of various organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Friday Group, etc. He recently authored A Political History of the World (Penguin, 2018), The Silk Road Trap (Polity, 2019), and World Politics after 1989 (Polity, 2021).

Anne-Marie Dedene
Anne-Marie Dedene is a Sinologist and PhD student in Political Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Anne-Marie's research primarily focuses on the build-up of Chinese maritime power in the economic domain. Committed to advancing International Political Economy insights in the academic literature on maritime power, she aspires to explore and highlight new economic aspects of maritime power.

Magali Michiels
Magali Michiels is a researcher on the project of maritime power in the Indo-Pacific. She is pursuing a PhD in maritime security at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). She is also in the process of becoming a Reserve Officer for the Belgian Navy. Magali’s research focuses on how the US is developing for the future of naval warfare.